Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sound Waves & Amplitude

Here is the powerpoint we reviewed in class.  We will be having a quiz 2/3/15.  Questions and comments are always welcomed.  Have a great weekend!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Cause and Effect

Our homework assignment this week will be cause and effect of sound.  The purpose is to develop a deeper understanding by explaining step by step the cause and effect.  This is a youtube video explaining cause and effect.  I will also attach the worksheet we are using. Students can use a blank piece of paper if they did not get a worksheet.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Homework Graph: Bug Sounds

The week of January 20th all classes had a homework assignment called Bug Sounds. This homework is posted on our science blog.  Writing, reading and math are vital to success in any field, including our 4th grade science class :) Students have been introduced to rubrics in their writing and I have introduced a rubric for our science homework.  Rubrics set goals and expectations, and it allows our class to improve their writing skills.  The bar graph examines three pieces of data: the number of students who revised their homework, the students who did not revise, and students who did not turn it in.  This is categorized by class and we will graph our homework progress.  Our class goal is to increase the number of students turning in their homework and making revisions.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sound Power Point

I am publishing the power point I created about sound. We are continuing examining sound waves and properties, but I want to make sure students and parents have access to materials used in class.

Compression and Rarefaction

Today I modeled with a slinky what compression and rarefaction looks like. I also compared the similarities with a slinky and a sound wave. I also asked students to stand up and show me what compressed sound waves look like and I did the same with rarefaction. This website has an illustration and describes compression and rarefaction in more detail.

Science Stations 1/22/15

We will be doing science stations! We will have five stations with a goal of reinforcing what we have already learned about sound. This is an opportunity for me to walk around and assist students in a small group setting.

Station #1:  Researching on the computer.  Students will use this blog and go through the websites I have linked on here about sound. They can also look at these links at home.

Station #2: Using tuning forks, water, a plastic bowl and sack, rubber band, wooden spoon and baking pan students will observe and reinforce that sound is mechanical energy.  Students will experiment and record their observations and data and will make a graph with their data next week.

Station #3: Homework and research.  Students have recently completed a homework assignment about how bugs use sound.  Students who have turned in their homework will revise and edit it based on a graded rubric.  This is also an opportunity to do the assignment and turn it in.  Once completed, students will use a tablet and books to research how other animals use sound in their environment.

Station #4: Responding to twitter videos and tweets.  Our class is collaborating with a high school class in Northern Kentucky via my twitter account @AshleyR_Hammond. Students will read the comments and brainstorm either a question they have about sound or a fact they learned in class. Students are allowed to use the notes they have taken in class.  This activity will allow me to observe what the students know well and areas I need to focus on in class.

Station #5: This station will be a review station on states of matter.  This still relates to sound because a medium is need for sound to travel.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Graphing Our Results

Graphing is an important way people organize information.  Graphs are seen in news papers, television, businesses, and the classroom just to name a few. This graph focuses on how we work together in groups comparing the three fourth grade classes. We will continue to do graphs using google docs, please feel free to comment and suggest the data and topic for our next graph!

Amplitude, Frequency, and Pitch

Pitch is the highness and lowness of a sound.

Frequency is vibrations per second.  The more vibrations per second, the higher the sound.  If there are fewer vibrations per second, the pitch is lower.

Amplitude is the loudness of the sound.

This youtube video uses instruments and experiments to explain pitch, frequency, and amplitude.

Challenge Question:

Which wind chime pictured below has the lowest pitch?

This question is on the KPrep and will be reviewed again in class.  

Sound is Vibration!

This Magic School Bus clip focusses on vibration is sound. Check it out and leave a comment below or comment on the video in class.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Amplitude and Frequency in Music

Music needs sound.  Without sound we would not hear instruments, singing, and percussion.  Let's dig a little deeper: we have tone, amplitude, frequency, & pitch.  Take a look at this website and explore the different sounds on it.  The next time you hear your favorite song, sing along to the radio, or go to music class remember they are sound waves! 

Homework for Mrs.Morgan's, Mrs. Hammond's & Mrs. Payne's Reading Group

Homework is due 1/21/15. Please answer both questions.  You can submit this electronically by leaving a comment below. Please include your name and homeroom so I know who you are :)

Homework for Mrs. Sanders & Mrs. Mattingly's Reading Group

Homework is Due 1/21/15. Please answer two out of three questions.  This can also be submitted electronically in the comments on this post. Please include your name and homeroom. 

Homework Rubric

Hello 4th graders! Here is the rubric I will be using to grade your homework. After you answer the questions, check out the rubric and score yourself.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Websites About Sound

Here are some great websites about sound! Check them out and let me know what you think. Can you find anymore websites about sound? Comment and and attach the link below!


For the next 2-3 weeks our class will focus on sound. We will be doing experiments in class, and I will be encouraging students to do experiments at home. We will also explore what careers and use sound waves, echolocation, and sound energy.